
Buildings with a
touch of nature

United Group endeavors to design buildings, be it residential or commercial complexes in a fashion such that the impact to the environment is kept to a bare

United Group endeavors to design buildings, be it residential or commercial complexes in a fashion such that the impact to the environment is kept to a bare minimum. United International University is the only private university in the country with a built-up area and green area ratio of 1:1. UIU has the largest football field in a private educational institute of the country. The classrooms are designed in a manner to maximize the use of sunlight during daytime, instead of using artificial lighting, therefore reducing the energy consumption of the facility. Our students enjoy the proximity to the nature and they celebrate spaces and colors in a campus sprawled across 25 bighas of land.

United Hasna Hena is an example of nature and modern architecture blended in a perfect mix. United’s Corporate Office under construction at Satarkul is designed to have a 77% green area. The buildings, constructed with strict adherence to the Bangladesh National Building Code 2006, uses the green concept accommodating sufficient rooftop and hanging gardens. The occupants of the buildings feel the spatial connection from sky to green and green to earth